Contact Us

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Contact details

MANERGO - ZI du Plouich - B.P.235 - 59590 RAISMES
Tel: 03 27 31 28 00
Fax: 03 27 31 37 22
Monday to Thursday:
Saturday and Sunday:

Find our product videos on our Youtube page Manergo video lists

To find out who we are, visit our presentation page Who are we?

Since 1983, MANERGO is the leading French manufacturer in the manufacture of handling, storage solutions and collection containers special waste.

At MANERGOwe accompany the communities (town halls, urban centres...) and the leading industrialists (agri-food chains, e-commerce brands, etc.). french and european. We bring the optimal solutions adapted to all the problems of handling, storage and collection in compliance with ergonomic and environmental standards.


These products are specific and tailor-made. This means that they meet a precise need of the customer but also respond to the customer's environment. We adapt to the operator's position, the loading and unloading heights, the desired dimensions, etc.

In some cases these products are joined by additional equipment to add value to the product.

The manufacturing process is as follows

Analysis of the specifications gathered by the sales representative

Study by the design office

Material and component procurement (material purchase and throughput)

Assembly (welding to plan)


Final assembly (hydraulic and electrical installation, finishing).

PackagingAccompanying the manufacture of post-transport services

Installation and delivery of the equipment to the final location

Start-up (connection and adjustment)


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